A friend’s generous and kind heart
Special times with family
A beautiful sunrise or sunset
Snow on the mountains
The deep blue of a mountain lake
The smell of pines and the wind in the trees
The roar of the ocean
The smile on a child’s face
You would think that focusing on the lovely would be easy and natural, wouldn’t you? But how many times do we gravitate or get pushed toward the ugly? Far too often, for the ugly is on the front page of every newspaper and flaunted on every tabloid. Much of television focuses on scandal or criminal behavior as well. And what is gossip except the reveling in some degree of human ugliness. You don’t hear people whispering behind others backs about all the beautiful and lovely things those individuals have done.
How unfortunate, for focusing on the ugly can make us depressed, turn us bitter, and create cynics.
We cannot escape the ugly, but if we have a choice on what to focus on, then let’s heed Phil. 4:8 and focus on the lovely: those beautiful aspects of nature and human behavior. If you feel comfortable doing so, please share one thing you find lovely.