The next day I struggled through my obligations and then there I was again. NyQiulled up and back in bed. The following day I was down for the count. Never left the house. Barely left my bed. Moved on to Zicam.
Everyone checking in on me had their own remedies, from hot toddies to sweating it out. Only my sister differed. She is a huge believer in a natural Wellness Formula. She takes it religiously each day, and if she feels the threat of a cold, she doubles or triples up. She hasn’t been sick in two years!
I have also since learned that while sneezing into our elbows and washing our hands through the ABCs are both good things to do during the cold and flu season, doctors believe that only 8-10 hours of good sleep will prevent a cold, even if it's already in your body.
In other words, both scenarios point to the same conclusion. If we take care of ourselves beforehand, we can avoid a cold, so we won’t have to suffer through the misery of having it or take extreme measures after-the fact to try and get rid of it.
Oh yes, there is definitely a spiritual application here. God’s Word is our wellness formula in every sense. If we faithfully ingest it daily, and double or triple up on it when we feel tempted, threatened, or attacked by Satan, we can avoid many of “maladies." Unfortunately, too many of us wait until we are “sick” before we turn back to God’s Word and heed its advice.
Let’s all be proactive this year and make 2019 a year to stay well, both physically and spiritually.