Paul’s sixth point in Philippians 4:8 is to think about whatever is of “good repute” or “admirable.” You would think with all the evil that naturally occurs in the world that we would be starving to hear about the good, but judging by the number of TV shows that focus on the scandalous or heinous or even laughable that might not be true. Television and the media in general are all about focusing and highlighting what sells, and obviously the good is not as exciting or enticing as the bad. Likewise, juicy gossip has a lot more pull than complimentary comments.
This is not a point to be belabored. However, I think that if each of us made it a point to look for the admirable, the praiseworthy, the commendable, the laudable (or any other synonym) in at least two people or situations each day, and then we openly shared one of those with others, we might find a difference in not only our own attitude and life perspective but also the immediate world we live in.
Despite our belief that we can multi-task, research shows that the mind can think about only one thing at a time. Therefore, when we have a choice on what to focus on in others and in our world, let’s consciously choose to look for the “admirable.”