“The Old Rugged Cross”
Not only did a flood of memories wash over me, but the words themselves spoke truth back into me.
The singing of that old hymn reminded me that as we head into another new year and look ahead and dream of a world of possibilities, we should not forget the past.
Yes, we need to hope.
Hope for new opportunities.
Hope of reconciled relationships.
Hope of better health.
Hope of Christ’s second coming.
But we also need to hang on to the past. So many times we want to jettison the past and look only to the future, but as Isaiah 46:9 says “Remember the former things of old.”
Not to our past mistakes or our past sins, regrets, or shame that we have left at the foot of the cross, but we are to remember the things that God has done in His power, wisdom, goodness, wrath or mercy (Bible Study Tools).
I love the picture attached to this blog, for, in literature, a child always represents hope for the future, and in this photo, the young girl is looking at pictures of her family’s past history.
If we are part of the family of God, we should be excited about the new year and all that God can and will do with it, but we should also look back over the past year and remember all that God has done.
Happy New Year.
(If it has been a while since you have heard “The Old Rugged Cross” here it is.)