I like this idea because it’s simple. Sometimes we make healthy living way too complicated.
I think our spiritual life would benefit from this One-A-Day approach as well because sometimes we put so many demands on ourselves in our pursuit of a stronger spiritual life that trying to meet them all becomes just another stressor.
I am not talking about reading the Bible once a day or praying once a day, though both of those would definitely improve our spiritual life.
No, I am talking about actively looking for a way to impact one person each day––just one and just once. I think if we looked for a way to improve or bless one other person’s life each day, then our spiritual and emotional lives would be happier and healthier. The “offering” could be small or large and the person could be someone we know or a stranger.
We could …
Pick up something they had dropped.
Offer to get them a glass of water.
Smile and say hello.
Take time to visit or call them.
Encourage or compliment them.
Make them laugh.
Listen to them.
Take them some place they had to go.
Let’s try this for one week. Each day let’s actively look for a way to serve or bless someone. It will take our mind and focus off of ourselves––our problems or concerns, our desires or wants––and, as a result, I truly believe we will be happier and healthier in the long run.