This might seem strange when I haven’t really had what one might call a hectic schedule lately, but it’s not that kind of weary.
I am weary in my soul. There is so much contentiousness right now, so much suspicion, anger, ranting, and finger pointing that I need a break. (And unfortunately some of that is from me.)
I took a bike ride the other day along the Sacramento River. The peacefulness of the river reminded me that when our spirit gets tired, God will make us “lie down in green pastures” and “lead [us] beside the still waters,” and promises to “restore [our] soul[s].”
Therefore, I am going to take Him up on his offer. I am going to take off the month of August, and instead of writing new blogs this month, I will be posting five blogs from my first year––2015. Some of you have read them before, but perhaps the years will make them fresh once again.
I look forward to joining you live again in September. Refreshed, renewed, and reset.