Most of the time when I think of God’s timing, I think of it as miles behind my timing. I want things now, and God usually (at least in my mind) is saying wait. Well . . .
My father passed away almost three years ago, leaving Mom alone in the large home they built in 1967 for a family of six and on a property of about 2/3 of an acre with twelve orange trees, lots of flowers, and way too much grass.
Then the pandemic hit, and for two years Mom waited and thought about her future and what she wanted to do. Mom is not the quickest decision maker and God obviously knew that (duh) because what happened next was definitely a “God thing.” I will try and write this as fast as it all happened.
Mom finally decided that she was ready to move, so we started looking at 55+ communities. (Mom being the +) All were full, so Mom started putting her name on lists at the places that she liked from the outside since she couldn’t actually see the insides because all were occupied.
In the meantime, she decided to take out about three orange trees to make the current property more manageable. My brother was visiting at the time, and on the day the tree cutter was supposed to come (the last day of my brother’s visit), the cutter called and cancelled. Now what?
Well, my brother, immediately went on his phone to look at options for the day, found one more 55+ community that looked good. He called . . . and guess what . . . they had a unit they could show Mom. A one bedroom.
Mom saw it, liked it, but said she would be interested in a two bedroom when available. Well . . . he had one she could see. She loved it, BUT would like one with the two car garage when it came available. Well . . . he had one she could see. Mom liked it and asked to be put on the waiting list. Well . . . there was no waiting list. She WAS the list. This was around the 12th of August. He said the one she was looking at was "spoken for" but that he might have one come open in September. Okay. Thirty day notice by occupant, so we all mentally calculated a possible October move.
Okay now. Hold onto your hats.
August 22nd. The call. The place would be ready September 6. Was she ready to move? Could she come in tomorrow to sign papers. She hangs up just as the doorbell rings. Her brother (retired real estate broker) and his wife come to visit. They go the next day with Mom as she signs the papers. Retired real estate broker is very pleased with everything!
Labor Day weekend: My sister visits Mom and starts photo-streaming items from Mom’s house for granddaughters to say “yeah” or “nay” to and then starts making piles. (This was an arduous task. Thanks Pam.)
Monday, September 12: I go to Fresno.
Tuesday, September 13, morning: We sign up our realtor and are told Mom’s house is in a unique area and interest rates are going up and sales are slowing. We agree on a price but are told to be flexible. Buyer must really want that area, so be prepared for a potential long wait.
Tuesday, September 13, evening. Neighbor calls and asks about selling the house to her brother-in-law. We give her realtor’s number.
Wednesday, September 14. Mom, friend, and I move all pantry and kitchen items to new home.
Wednesday, September 14 evening: My sister arrives and places items/furniture on Craig’s list and Facebook Marketplace and the craziness begins.
Thursday, September 15: My brother arrives from Colorado.
Saturday, September 17, morning: The movers come, Pam and Doug stay to sell more items and supervise movers while Mom and I go to new place and wait for movers to arrive. Realtor and potential buyers are looking at the house. People are buying pots and lamps and furniture.
Saturday, September 17, afternoon: Potential buyers put in offer above Mom’s asking price.
September 19-October 21: Buyers waive all inspections, all contingencies, and the house sale closes on the 21st.
Phew! What a ride. And what an amazing example of God’s goodness. We were told to expect a long wait on the sale because of the economy, the time of year, and the location of Mom’s house, but none of those factors confined God and His plans.
There were some other smaller things that occurred as well that made everything smoother, and were just as amazing, that I won’t include here, but will definitely write down to remember.
Non-believers might stand amazed at how everything “fell into place”, “turned out”, “happened.” But as a good friend of mine realized after recently becoming a believer, “There are no coincidences.”
No, there are not. God is always in control.