At its most basic definition, hell is separation from God. Some people don’t mind this concept as they have rejected God already and feel they are doing just fine. But what they don’t realize is that even though they have rejected God, God has not rejected them or the world, and His presence is still very much here.
Despite all the difficulties in our lives and the evil around us, there are still varying degrees of selflessness, kindness, love, peace, justice, compassion, mercy, grace, forgiveness, truth, and trustworthiness. All actions and emotions that are good come from God.
Take them away and what do you have? Total—Selfishness. Malice. Hatred. Confusion. Anxiety. Injustice. Apathy. Cruelty. Wickedness. Condemnation. Falsehood. Dishonesty. Evil, and every other inhumane action and destructive emotion—with nothing good to counter or offer relief.
I know most people who say they don’t believe in hell are probably talking about a physical place of judgment after death, but I don’t want to or need to argue that point here. If you never accept God and His Son’s sacrifice, then once you die, you are separated from God and all those God qualities for all of eternity, which means it doesn’t matter where you are. You are in hell.