At one time my work shoes constituted my largest category as I had heels and flats of various colors and styles. Some for comfort and others for appearance. Now, however, my recreational shoes are taking over my closet. I have golf shoes for different seasons and weather, walking and hiking shoes, and those for casual wear.
All shoes are designed to assist us in whatever endeavor we choose. However, the shoes are worthless unless the feet are properly engaged and headed in the right direction. No shoes can remedy idle or errant feet.
As Christians we are often called God’s hands and feet, but how many of us just dress up our feet to look good but don’t go anywhere or do anything? The Bible gives us two reminders regarding our feet. First in Romans 10:15, Paul says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things.” And then in Ephesians 6:15, he reminds us of that really only one pair of shoes is needed: “having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.”
God’s good news is a gospel of peace, but it won’t go anywhere without us putting it on and walking purposefully into our world.