Last week I scheduled my blog post incorrectly. Not sure how I did that exactly as I do the same thing every week, but I did. Instead of having it post at 12 a.m. Saturday morning to my website, I inadvertently selected 12 p.m., which meant that when anyone went to follow the link via FaceBook or email Saturday morning, it reverted to the previous week’s blog.
Though I fixed it…and sent out an apology…one blog comment showed me that while I thought I had messed things up through my mistake, God hadn’t. That blog (about Tim Challies) and its link to “I Miss My Son Today” needed to show up again that morning, because it was that morning that a friend of mine who had lost her son eight years ago on that day, decided to click the link and read the post. In fact, I imagine she thought she was going to be reading about “Practicing and Playing,” but instead was sent to the blog about Tim Challis, which she had missed the week before. If my post for that day had run on schedule as planned, she would have missed it again, and God wasn’t going to let that happen. He wanted her to see Tim’s words.
So He allowed a little time to pass—just enough to let my friend read last week’s blog--then had my mother contact me to let me know of the problem. Within minutes, the link was fixed, but not until it had reached the one person God wanted it to reach.
Yes, God is in the whispers––and "mistakes."