This question was immediately followed by the pointing of fingers, the laying of blame, and the vociferous cries for action. We all have our opinions, stats, and historical evidence to support our cases on what those actions should be. We all have our own ideas of what the government should or should not do. Suffice it to say that none of these will agree.
Perhaps in light of recent events, you have clicked on Pastor Nick Bradley’s sermon--“If God, why Evil?”—that I referenced in last week’s blog. If not, I would encourage you to do so. But in case you haven’t or don’t, I would like to paraphrase (hopefully accurately) what I believe was his most powerful point, and that is that evil is not an entity. It is not something we can weigh, carry in a bag, or collect. Evil, like darkness, is the absence of something. Darkness is the absence of light. Once light is introduced, darkness immediately disappears. The more light, the less darkness. Therefore, the only thing that will truly decrease the presence of evil is the increase of Jesus. The more Jesus in the world, the less evil.
Therefore, (back to me talking) while we and the rest of the country are debating and voting and waiting and arguing about how to counter every form of evil we are encountering, as Christians, let’s at least take the action that is most crucial. Let’s spread God’s love, His message of hope, and His light. Let’s help increase Jesus and decrease evil.