Professionally, Tim is a Canadian pastor, writer, blogger, and reviewer. Personally, he is a husband and father––a father with a broken heart, as he lost his only son (his firstborn) suddenly in November of 2020 (Nick Challies). His post (I Miss My Son Today) I think will speak to many who have lost someone special, but in particular to those who have lost of child.
What I love about Tim’s website is that it is so thorough. It deals with timely as well as timeless issues. He is an avid reader and researcher and vets then shares what he finds with his readers. He is a very talented writer, bringing clarity to difficult issues and putting words to unspeakable feelings.
I encourage you to take the time to peruse Tim’s website (www.challies.com), and if so inclined, subscribe so you can be blessed daily with his insights and encouragement.
I would like to close this blog the way Tim begins many of his posts: "May the God of love and peace be with you today."
Photo taken from www.challies.com