Holy One: Only Jesus is perfectly holy, but he calls us to be holy as well. By accepting his sacrifice of death on our behalf, we are covered by His holiness, and through the power of the Holy Spirit we, too, are able to live holy lives.
King of kings and Lord of lords: As we watch men and women battle and posture over power and position and make promises they often cannot keep, we have the confidence that Jesus has absolute authority. He is the King over all the kings, and the Lord over all the lords. So despite what today’s leaders may think of themselves or what others may think of them or believe them capable of, as both Isaiah 45:23 and Romans 14:11 state, one day “Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to God.”
Light of the World: I’ve been in those subterranean caverns when they turn the one light out. There is nothing more petrifying than being in absolute darkness. Nothing will eliminate that fear except light. We live in a world of darkness though many believe they are intellectually or metaphysically enlightened. Though Satan has been granted temporary reign of this world, and he is the master deceiver, posing as an angel of light, God says very clearly in Isaiah 5:20-21 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; . . . Who to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight.” Only the Light of the World dispels the darkness of this world to reveal the truth.
Son of God: As my pastor said one Sunday, only the person sinned against may grant forgiveness. Therefore, it was absolutely necessary for God to provide the avenue of salvation and extend forgiveness. Though there might be human collateral, all our sins are first and foremost against God, so only the sacrifice of the Son of God is able to restore our relationship with God.
Son of man: God is everlasting and eternal. Therefore, God cannot die, so there is no need for a resurrection of an eternal God. This is why Jesus had to become man. Jesus had to die to be the final and perfect blood sacrifice to pay for sin, and then he had to be resurrected to 1) show victory over death, and 2) to give assurance to mankind that there is eternal life.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life: (John 14:6) Though many accuse Christians of being narrow minded when we claim that Jesus is the only way of salvation, it is not Christians who made the claim. Jesus did. In Matt. 7:13-14 he says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Narrow––why? Because there aren’t multiple routes to salvation. It is not a buffet where one can choose the most appealing route. Difficult––why? Not because we have to work hard but because we must sacrifice and submit own will to His. We must move ourselves off the throne and put Him there.
We could spend a lifetime studying all the names and titles of Christ, developing a deeper understanding of each one, and then living a life in response to each. May 2016 be a year we come to a deeper understanding of who the God we serve truly is.