I was working my way through 1 Chronicles awhile back, (which in places is about as exciting as Numbers), when once again I was reminded of why I shouldn’t skim over the seemingly unexciting list of names.
Verse after verse named men and their jobs: first the leaders of clans, then those in charge of the gatekeepers, followed by the men responsible for the officials and judges. (Right about here I could feel a yawn coming on.) Next we moved into the military leaders, all of whom, by the way, were in charge of 24,000 troops. (See I was paying attention.) Then it was all about those in charge of the palace treasuries, the regional treasuries, then the vineyards, olive groves, or fig trees.
As the chapter came to a close I was losing my will to live because now it was all about the guys in charge of the goats and sheep, donkeys and camels.
Suddenly, verse 33 appeared, and there it was: “Hushai the Arkite was the king’s friend.”
Sometimes we might think that our job doesn’t carry a lot of significance. But every job is significant, from keeping our public bathrooms clean (which I rank right up there near the top) to keeping our streets and countries safe. Sometimes we are called to take on large tasks and sometimes more menial ones, but sometimes our most important job is just to be someone’s friend, or as some of the other translations put it, someone’s companion or confidant. God thought them all important enough to take the time to list each one.
Yes, judges and generals are important. Yes, farmers and ranchers and caretakers are necessary. But everyone also needs a friend. Someone they can count on and confide in. Wherever God has placed you and in whatever job you find yourself today, realize that God can and will use you there. And if for this time in your life it is just to be someone’s friend. . .then be it.