Once the monkey slides his hand in and grabs the prize, its fist is too big to come out. The monkey has two choices. Hang on to the prize and be stuck, or release the prize and regain its freedom. Surprisingly — or maybe not so surprisingly — the monkey hangs on and gets caught.
We shake our head at the short-sightedness of the monkey but how many of us are living with our “paw in the gourd.” We so want what Satan has placed their to entice us that we are willing to sacrifice the freedom that God grants us.
It can be the pursuit of fame and fortune or power and prestige. It might be time, a relationship, a hobby, or a desire. It might be a grudge or a hurt. The list could go on and on. Whatever we have in our hand that we don’t want to let go of when we clearly hear God saying, “Let go of it,” is our monkey trap.
There is a reason God is saying let it go. Whatever it is is keeping us captive in some form and not allowing us to experience the complete freedom God has in store.
Matthew 6:21 says, “ For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
And sometimes where that treasure is can be a trap.
(Image courtesy of econlib.org)