The whole world is watching.
We are studying the book of Philippians in our ladies’ Bible study. And while the primary theme of Philippians is joy (joy in serving Jesus, joy in the midst of trials) there is another underlying theme: The whole world is watching.
The world pretty much knows what Christians claim to believe. What they are waiting for is for our lives to contradict those beliefs.
Which is why Philippians 2:14-15a is so important.
Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation . . .
During our discussion, one of the ladies said that really all we need to do is just that--stop grumbling and disputing because when we do, look at what we get! Peace and unity. Another lady suggested that complaining shows a lack of trust in God. That we don't really believe He is in control. So just this one “policy decision” — not to grumble; not to dispute — can make all the difference.
The discussion also reminded me of Pandora and the infamous box which was left in her husband’s care. Her curiosity drove her to open it and when she did, the woes of the world escaped—never to be harnessed again.
I think we would all do well to have a little box so that when a grumbling or complaining thought comes to our mind or argumentative words work their way to our lips, we can write them down, put them in the box, close the lid, and let God take care of it. And despite our desire to do so, never open the box and take them back out.
If you really think about it, most of what would be in the box would be thoughts or actions fueled by resentment, anger, pettiness, pain, pride, or jealousy. Nothing remotely pleasing to God or edifying to those around us.
So whether you find a real box or just use a symbolic one, the process is the same—put a lid on it.