There are times I wish it would all go away. Give me the days when I couldn’t leave my phone at home and worry about it because the phone had to stay at home. It was attached to the wall in some fashion.
But just recently, I have come to value the power of technology, and once again, I might be a little late to the party.
I love listening to my pastor’s sermons. He is engaging and insightful. He teaches biblical truth and balances conviction with encouragement.
In the past . . . in pre-technology . . . my pastor would be my sole source of biblical teaching, unless a guest speaker or revival came to town. Now that is not the case.
I recently visited my mother and subsequently my mother’s church, where I slid into the third sermon of the series “Stepping Stones,” (which I gleaned to be foundational answers to troubling questions). The sermon I sat in on focused on if there is a God, why is there evil and suffering? One of the easier questions, right? It was a great sermon. (First Baptist Church of Clovis) Even though I am now back home and attending my own church, I am still able to go online and listen to more of this series.
The above is a benefit for believers everywhere. Good pastors and sermons are now available with a mouse click. But technology is proving to provide an effective evangelical tool as well.
Though many churches already had a live-stream service, the pandemic encouraged many other churches to do so, which, in turn, increased non-church attenders “attendance.” One source stated that about fifteen percent of those watching online had never stepped into a church before. (Outreach Magazine)
In a fallen world, whatever man might develop for good, Satan will find a way to use it for evil. However, God will never be outdone, and will use it as a way to further his message. God is in control of everything, even technology.
If you have a link to a church or particular sermon that you feel would benefit/encourage/challenge us, please post that link.