My father is from the Midwest—Missouri. They have tornadoes. And what I have heard, since I have never experienced it, is that right before a tornado hits, there is extreme silence—the so called, calm before the storm. Then when the tornado hits, everything changes in the blink of an eye.
This takes me back to another silent night. The one preceding the birth of Christ. That silence also preceded extreme change. In fact, the whole world changed. And despite the recent change from BC/AD to BCE/ACE, most people still use the birth of Christ as the reference point to a change in era.
Tonight, on the celebrated anniversary of that first silent night over 2000 years ago, I am reminded that each of us, at some point, will come face to face with our own silent night, that moment when we have the opportunity to change our future immediately from one of uncertainty and despair to one of certainty and hope.
For those who have already made this choice, then the words Merry Christmas are special indeed.
Merry Christmas!