You are having trouble with your computer (or not) when, rinnngggg, here comes the phone call that will either solve your problem or tell you that you have a problem (like a deadly virus), and that they can fix it. The callers sound legitimate; they know all the right numbers and answers; they take over your computer and show you where the issues are; then they take your credit card number so that they can charge you the very low rate that it took to fix the issue. THEN you get that gut sinking feeling when you realize that you have been duped … scammed, and that what you thought was rescuing you from a terrible computer meltdown has actually caused more despair and destruction. Almost immediately you see money being siphoned away via that credit card number you gave them, and you feel like a complete idiot because how many times have you told others not to be so foolish and gullible?
How many of us have fallen prey to this scam or one of the many other scams that are out there? Probably more of us than would care to admit it.
What is important to note is that the reason these frauds are so successful in getting us to take the bait and bite is that they imitate the truth so accurately.
This is exactly how Satan works, and it is why he is so successful at duping us into thinking that many of the answers he proposes are the ones that will solve our problems or satisfy our needs. He “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14) so that what he offers looks inviting and good. Therefore, we jump all over it only to find out too late that it is NOT the answer or the solution, and, in fact, often creates more problems or leaves us very, very empty.
The Bible is very clear about Satan’s motives and strategies. He is called “the father of lies” (John 8:44); he is a being who “deceives the whole world” (Rev. 12:9 and 20:3), a schemer (Eph. 6:11), and someone who sets snares (I Tim. 3:7). Jesus compares Satan to a thief who comes only to “steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10) while Peter calls him a “roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8). So what we think is meant to make our life better or happier or easier, Satan means to use to destroy us, if not now, certainly for all of eternity.
Banks and businesses will tell us that there is only one way they will officially make contact, and if someone contacts us in a different way, don’t bite. Even if it looks legit, it isn’t.
So it is with God. His Word is the only definitive truth. If something looks good or like a plausible answer or will satisfy our desires, the only way to be sure it truly will is to test it against what the Bible says. Only then will we know if it is from God. Therefore, the more familiar we are with God’s Word, the easier it is to ferret out Satan’s schemes.
Yes, we can be upset with ourselves over getting duped by both computer scammers and the wiles of the devil, but hopefully, we come away wiser, more wary, and, finally, more discerning so that the next time we can say with certainty, “NO.”