The chapter is all about the organization of public service, tribal leaders, administrators of King David’s property, as well as his personal counselors. What struck me most was the order it provided to the workings of the kingdom, and reminded me again that God is a God of order, of peace, not chaos or confusion, (1 Corinthians 14:33).
Therefore, when chaos reigns in our world, it is because God has not been given the helm. He has been pushed aside. And we are witnessing a lot of chaos right now.
Recently my pastor made the following statement in his Sunday sermon: “You can’t solve a sin problem with political solutions.” He was quick to add, however, that we need politics. Politics has a place, and 1 Chronicles chapter 27 is a case in point.
David was a king. His appointments were political. But he also was a godly king. God was the ultimate authority. When he strayed from following God’s statutes, as he did with Bathsheba, chaos ensued: a coverup followed, a husband was murdered, and a family and country paid the price. When he decided not to adhere to God’s directive, as he did when he called for a census without God’s consent, 70,000 men died.
But David repented, and God was again placed on the throne, and order returned. As Colossians 1:17 says, “He [God] is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
So when we push him aside, and refuse to repent, then He releases that hold, as we see in Romans 1:24, “God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts.” God will withdraw “His restraining and protective hand, allowing the consequences of sin to take their inevitable” (Grace to You).
Chaos creates confusion, anxiety, distrust, suspicion, and every other negative outcome. Order creates peace, security, trust, and every positive outcome. Let’s always remember, that God is the author and sustainer of order.