But as much as I enjoy nature’s symphonies, I want to take my hat off to those men and women who create music as well as those who interpret and perform it. One cannot exist without the other.
In my opinion, music is the language of the soul. It speaks to the mind, the heart, and the body. It is logical, emotional, and physical, and because of that it moves our spirit.
As one who has taught writing for years, I know that the written word can do the same: affect us logically, emotionally, and even physically, through the hidden cadences of words and sentences. All art forms have this ability.
But music is special. It is the synthesis of words, notes, and rests. For reasons few of us can explain, it has the ability to become one with our body. How else can we explain the calm or the excitement or the heartbreak that comes with listening to a particular piece of music. How else can we explain why we are moved to dance, sing, weep, or throw our hands up in joy. Like no other art form, we seem to be able to commune fully with music.
So thank you to all of you who write and/or perform music. The professionals and the amateurs. Yours is a wonderful calling. I cannot imagine, nor would I want to experience, a world without music.