Now I would like to look to the future . . . to the hope we have of seeing a loved one again.
I want to look to Heaven.
Often, those of us who are “normal” look at those who aren’t in some way and believe they have been shortchanged in the “life” department. Then, often as not, we compare ourselves to those who have more than we do (in any respect) and feel like we have been shortchanged. The first problem here, of course, is the comparison. The second, is to believe that this life is what it should be. It is not.
My cousin reminded me of a Randy Alcorn statement and so I went looking for it, and found it in his book Heaven. It reads:
“The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell. For Christians, this present life is the closest they will come to Hell. For unbelievers, it is the closest they will come to Heaven.”
Once sin entered the world, we were never going to have the “perfect” life here on earth.
For non-believers, though, this is it. This is the best they will ever have, so they must make the most of it. No wonder there is this desire, hunger, striving for what they believe will make them happy and conversely the despair when life deals out disappointments and failures. And if this is the only life we have, then how unfair to those who are disabled, diseased, or die young.
But as Christians, this life is not the end all. And because it is not and we know it is imperfect and we know that perfection is coming, we can enjoy the life God gave each of us—specifically—in whatever form—during our short time here on earth.
The best. The ABSOLUTE best. The Perfect form of everything we have here will be waiting for those of us who have acknowledged and accepted Jesus as the son of God. It will be waiting for us in Heaven.
How exciting is that!