One legal site, AVVO, along with an article called “The Fatherless Generation” share some statistics “showing the importance of an involved father.” Here are a few of those statistics.
1. 85% of youths sitting in jail grew up in a home without a father.
2. Children who grow up in a home separate from their father are 4.3 times more likely to be smokers.
3. 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes—9 times the average.
4. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes—20 times the average.
5. 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. 5 times the average.
6. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes—32 times the average.
7. 75% of young patients seeking substance abuse treatment are from fatherless homes––10 times the average.
8. Children with fathers who are involved are more likely to get A’s in school.
9. Children with fathers who are involved are more likely to enjoy school and engage in extracurricular activities.
10. If a mother attends church regularly with her children but without the father, only 2% will choose to become regular churchgoers as adults. If a father attends church regularly with his children even without the mother, 44% will chose to become regular churchgoers.
There are many well-adjusted, successful adults who were raised without an involved father, but these statistics show that fathers play a huge role in the success and welfare of their children.
God in His infinite wisdom created the family unit to include the love of both a mother and a father. Happy Father’s Day to all of those incredibly involved fathers out there.