It was a wonderfully simple evening. The grassy middle of the fairground speedway was opened and everyone (except me because I forgot) brought their folding chairs and blankets. Fortunately, my good friend Melanie had TWO chairs.
It was a half hour of powerful singing with Jeremy Camp, followed by a half hour message by Franklin Graham––a threefold but straightforward message.
First, as this was election day, he encouraged Christians to be involved in the political process: vote and run––at all levels.
Second, pray for those in authority because we are commanded to do so in I Timothy 2:1-2.
Finally, in the style of his father, Franklin laid out the simple message of salvation: God loves you, died for you, and rose from the grave to give you life. All you have to do is admit you are a sinner, repent of and turn from your sins, and accept his gift of salvation.
Christianity is not complicated. The message is simple as is the response. And Decision America at its core is rather simple as well because Decision America begins with––Decision You.
(I have heard this song many times, but when Jeremy sang it live, it was powerful. Please enjoy.)