It’s okay if you haven’t yet heard of Lauren Daigle. She wasn’t one of those child prodigies always desiring to be a singer and then skyrocketed to fame. She only started singing seriously (voice lessons) because she was housebound for two years due to an illness when she was fifteen. In fact, she had hoped to pursue a medical career and enter the mission field. But as Proverbs 16:9 says, “People may make plans in their minds, but the Lord decides what they will do.” And through a variety of unexpected opportunities (see her bios on her webpage and wikipedia) she found herself in the music world.
Even then, her success wasn’t immediate. She was encouraged to try out for American Idol but was cut twice, though her second attempt did see her get to the round of twenty-four and a stone’s throw from Hollywood.
However, in 2015 things began to change, and she released her first full album How Can It Be and hasn’t looked back. She is versatile and unique. She can sing the powerful anthem, the ballad, and the reggae vibe, but all have a strong Godly message that resonates with both non Christians and Christians alike as they touch the issues of the heart each one of us has.
I have attached three YouTube videos for you to enjoy. Rather than use Lauren’s official videos, I have chosen these three from three of the recent TV shows she has been invited to perform on so that you can see the secular platform God has given to her.
The first is The Ellen Show where she sings the anthem she opened our show with. Just imagine this song booming off the walls of a 2,200 seat arena.
The second, performed on Good Morning America, is the song (popular on both Christian and Pop stations) for which she just won a Grammy, probably because the words speak to each one of us AND because it is beautiful.
The final one is the title track of her new (and only her second) album performed on the The Tonight Show. It is full of that reggae beat that I’m sure is a result of her Louisiana roots.
If you want to know more about Lauren then visit her official website at:
In the meantime, enjoy the music.