Here it was mid-February and already they were in full bloom. What I saw was miles and miles of what you see in the picture. I know my first reaction should have been one of concern because this early bloom was caused by warm weather much too early in the year, and California is already suffering from drought conditions, but it was just too beautiful not to enjoy.
I grew up in Fresno, California, in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley and in the springtime there is an abundance of blossoms: peach, apple, orange, plum, pistachio, almonds, so many that they have a designated Blossom Trail for people to follow so they can see the variety of blossoms and not miss anything.
One would think that after seeing these blossoms year after year, I wouldn’t notice the beauty anymore as oftentimes happens when we become accustomed to the our surroundings. But I think there is something different and special about blossoms. They catch us off guard. They appear when we aren’t looking. They are delicate and short lived but remind us of the wonderful fruit that is to come.
I thank God for the season of blossoms and wonder if as young Christians we are spiritual blossoms to Him: beautifully delicate and precious with the potential of so much fruit.