Peace on Earth?
“Get out! Now!”
Jimmy stared at his father, his face stinging, his eyes watering, his anger building.
“Did you hear me?!” his father yelled. “Get out now before I slug you again!”
Jimmy looked at his crying mother, her eyes pleading with him. Seven-year-old Britney and ten-year-old Michael Jr. huddled in fear behind the couch. Jimmy’s father took another step toward him, and Jimmy, overwhelmed by the stench of alcohol and sweat, grabbed his coat and was out the door, leaving the chaos behind him.
He walked as fast as he could until he was three blocks away. Then he slowed his pace and took a deep breath. The quiet enveloped him. Words and tears welled up inside him but he resisted the urge to swear. Swearing was as natural as breathing in his house, but as a new Christian, he knew swearing did nothing to remedy the situation and was dishonoring to God.
“Why does he have to ruin everything!” he finally said.
J.E. Solinski ©2015