BUT . . . there is only ONE mug I use for my morning coffee. Why? Not because it’s pretty, because it isn’t. It is probably the least noticeable mug I own. No, it’s because it is the perfect size. It holds just the right amount of coffee I like with just the right amount of room for my frothed creamer.
And because it is the mug I want to use the next morning, I always wash it out after every use.
Which is why, when we sang a new song last Sunday, “The Blood,” the lyric “I’ve been washed from the inside, I’ve been washed from the inside out” really hit me. That is what God did through the blood of Christ.
Through the blood of Christ, and only through the blood of Christ, we are saved. Only He can wash us from the inside out.
BUT . . .
I take such care to wash my coffee mug out right after use—every morning. Why? So it is ready to go again. But do I do that with myself?
I may not be the smartest or prettiest or most athletic or most . . . anything . . . but I am a vessel God has designed “just right” for what He wants me to do.
Each morning I need to bow before my holy God, confess my sin, place my day in His hands, and fill my mind with His word. In other words, I need to be washed clean again. To not do so allows the grime and discouragement of this world and the unconfessed sin in my life to build up.
Though we are saved and have a place on God’s mug rack, if we do not come daily before the Lord to be washed clean, we could become unusable until such time as we submit to a good scrubbing.