No matter where in the U.S. you live, you have, no doubt, been affected by or known those who have been affected by natural (or manmade) disasters: hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, fires.
And, like everything else, as time passes or another tragedy takes its place, we forget. We forget just about everything: the images, the pain, the continued suffering and lack. And we forget about those who have helped.
This is a shout out to those who have helped.
The attached video arrived in my email a few days ago. It is from Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin Graham’s organization of volunteers who go into these disaster areas to walk along side the hurting and to help in the cleanup and the distribution of supplies. The Army of Orange some call them. I have a friend who is a part of that Army of Orange working with the relief effort in Asheville, North Carolina.
I encourage you to watch the video. It’s about 30 minutes, which may cause some of you to put it aside. But we watch 30 minutes of a sitcom, or 2 hours of a movie. I think once you begin, you will be compelled to continue. The stories of both the victims and the volunteers will grab your heart as you see God working in the midst of such pain. (Storms of Life)
We know as we near Christ’s return, earthquakes will become more frequent, famines and pestilence will increase, which could make us numb or depressed. But as Christians we should be neither. We should be very much aware and involved. God has called us to come along side Him in His work in whatever way we can. While God works on hearts, we need to be his hands and feet, putting our faith to work wherever we can.
Not all of us are able to travel to Asheville to assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, but there are many ways we can still be a part of God’s work and share his love for people in need much closer to home.
(Photo by Stephen Smith/Associated Press and printed in The Los Angeles Times)