I recently heard one of his 20 minute televised sermons from his series Belief that Behaves. It was entitled “Salvation Pure and Simple.” He states that Ephesians 2:1-9 is the most precise explanation of salvation, and he then takes time to explain the thoughts Paul sets forth.
The first three verses share the hopelessness of our current condition apart from God.
Then in verse 4 come the words BUT GOD . . .
And everything changes. The next six verses—twice as many as before the words—talk about what God has done to save us from this abject condition and what has He given us instead of a life without hope.
If you have time, I encourage you to listen to it. All your questions regarding the need of salvation and the way of salvation will be explained. The sermon begins at 2:56 after some introductory remarks (that are interesting but not absolutely necessary).
I hope it encourages you as much as it encouraged me.